Program Ads Please see the attached Ad form. The pricing is reasonable and will be in all of the programs for the rest of the year. Make all checks out to Warren Drama Boosters and send Mrs. Riddell ([email protected]) a copy of the Ad image you would like in the program due March 16th. Shout Outs Shout Outs are messages from parents, friends, and family praising your cast or crew member for a job well done. The message is 140 characters and goes into the program. Show your love by giving your student a shout out and send in $5 in an envelope marked "shout out" and their name. Please make checks out to the Warren Drama Boosters by March 16th. Please fill out the form: ![]()
Hello Everyone,
We are getting a lot done! Choreography has been a little overwhelming because this is a very dance intensive show. Due to this fact, we are going to add some Saturdays (3/5) and go to 6:30pm on Choreo days. Since this is last minute, please let us know if there are any conflicts. Cast-Please look closely at the schedule. For example, choreo is meeting at Almond on Friday from 9-1pm. Crew- Certain days have changed due to the institute day on Friday (costume crew). Please see the schedule. We will also have our dramaturgy presentation on Thursday! Ad Space- If you are interested in placing an ad in the program, please email Mrs. Riddell as soon as possible. We have to get the program done soon. T-shirts will cost $10. Please bring cash or check made out to WTHS by Wednesday, March 9th and fill out the following form: Please email with any questions, Mrs. Riddell & Ms. Colgan ------------------------------------------------------------------ Raffle Basket Parent Help: Hello Wonderful Parents, Each year we ask parents to donate themed baskets to use in a silent auction at the musical. This year we would like to sell raffle tickets instead of the silent auction. People will buy the tickets and then place their tickets in the baskets they hope to win. The baskets are always donated and the proceeds go to the Warren Drama Boosters. The Warren Drama Boosters continually help the theatre program and provide scholarships for graduating seniors. Last year, we had amazing baskets to raffle off. Some of the themes included wine, bath soaps, olive garden, and movies to name a few. We also raffled off cubs tickets and a beautiful painting representing our theatre season. If you would like to make a donation or raffle off an item we would greatly appreciate the support. If we do not have enough interest, we may not be able to do this fundraiser. If you are interested, please email our booster president, Mary Jo Urquhart at [email protected] Thank you for your time and consideration, Mrs. Riddell and Ms. Colgan Tomorrow (2/26 3:30-6) and Saturday (2/27 noon-3) we need ALL CAST members to learn Super letters because of the finale (including Winifred, Robertson Ay, and George).
We will update you about Saturday from 9-noon tomorrow. Thank you for being flexible! Hello, Please check over this press release for your name to be in the right crew and spelled correctly. Please do this by Friday 2/26. Email Riddell with changes. Thank you, Mrs. Riddell & Ms. Colgan ![]()
Note- Set Crew meets Thursday & Friday this week at O'Plaine Auditorium. Wednesday 2/24 We only need those who sing a solo in Act 1 to come today (including precision and order/playing the game solos). Ms. Colgan will be working on solos today by singing straight through Act 1. (No Crew) Thursday 2/25 All Cast Choreo (Riddell will pull people for blocking), Front of House, Set Crew at O'Plaine Friday 2/26 All Cast Choreo (Colgan will pull people for singing) Costumes/ Props/ Set Crew at O'Plaine Saturday 2/27 9-noon leads blocking (I will email a list of actors after Thursday's rehearsal) noon-3pm All Cast Choreo, (Bring Lunch) No Crew on Saturday Here are the leads that need to come today 2/23:
Bert Mary Poppins Winifred George Mrs. Brill Robertson Ay Neleus Park Keeper Admiral Boom Miss Lark Bird Woman Miss Andrew Hello Cast, Crew, and Pit,
Thank you for a great week! We have almost learned all of the songs and we started blocking. Sorry set crew for canceling this week. We promise that we will get you in here soon. Kyle should be better soon! The schedule is fluid and may vary week to week, but we will send out a text if it does. Also, check the Warren Theatre website for up to date information. schedule for the week of 2/22-2/27. Cast, Crew, & Pit- Monday, February 22nd Everyone needs to come get a fanogram photo on Monday, February 22nd at 3:30pm. I will take them quickly and then you can go home if you are not called for rehearsal. Late Bus passes will be available. Pit We should be getting music next week. We will send out an email for you to come and get your music when it arrives. Cast Bring in your costume fee ($35)! We need that money as soon as possible. Cash or checks made out to WTHS. Bios Students, please fill out a bio in third person to place in the program. We need this from all crew, pit, and cast members. Fundraising for Fly/Sound/Costumes for Mary Poppins We need some more money to put on this show! It is very expensive especially with all the awesome and new ventures we are doing (fly, sound, renting costumes) started a gofundme page for people to pay with credit card to help out towards the fly and sound system. Every little bit counts! Please direct people to We will also accept checks as well made out to WTHS. We can also offer ad space to those businesses or individuals who would like to advertise in our program. Solicitation Letter Please email me if you would like to be removed from our email list. Mrs. Riddell & Ms. Colgan Directors Hello Cast, Crew, and Pit,
Thank you for coming to our first read through on Tuesday. Next week everything starts into full gear. The first week we took it easy, but now we are starting the full crew schedule and cast rehearsals. Please see the attached crew and cast schedule. Each crew will meet twice a week. Set crew will meet at the Almond campus. All other crews will meet at O'Plaine. The schedule is fluid and may vary week to week, but we will send out a text if it does. Also, check the Warren Theatre website for up to date information. Cast Schedule Crew Schedule Pit Schedule Text Alerts Please text the following to 81010 for text updates. CREW & CAST- please text @mpcrew to 81010 for all crew alerts CAST- please text @castmp to 81010 for CAST ONLY text alerts PIT- please text @mppit to 81010 for PIT ONLY text alerts Absences Crew/Pit-Absences are more flexible with crew members until we get into the month of April. In April, it is all hands on decks especially for crews like running crew, lights, and sound. Crew leads need to make every rehearsal possible to lead their crews. Please email your crew lead if you can not make a rehearsal. Cast/Crew Leads- Our absence policy is much more strict for cast members. Absences students mentioned on their conflict sheet will be excused. Missing for reasons other than illness could result in removal from the show. Please be aware that we can not rehearse properly without all cast members. Musical is the priority after homework and family. Jobs are not easily done while being a cast or crew lead. Please email Ms. Colgan and Mrs. Riddell if you can not make a rehearsal. Pit We would love to start right away, but the company has not sent us the music yet. Once the music arrives, Ms. Colgan will contact you to pick up your part. You will need to learn/rehearse the music on your own. Our first rehearsal will be Monday March 14th from 4-6. Ms. Colgan will email a pit only schedule, but the plan is Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school. Starting April 11th, we will be meeting every day with the cast. Our pit band director is Mrs. Birmingham. If you are anxious to be involved right away, we can have you join crew. Just email Mrs. Riddell and we will make it happen.Bios Students, please fill out a bio in third person to place in the program. We need this from all crew, pit, and cast members. Fundraising for Fly/Sound/Costumes for Mary Poppins We need some more money to put on this show! It is very expensive especially with all the awesome and new ventures we are doing (fly, sound, renting costumes) started a gofundme page for people to pay with credit card to help out towards the fly and sound system. Every little bit counts! Please direct people to We will also accept checks as well made out to WTHS. We can also offer ad space to those businesses or individuals who would like to advertise in our program. Solicitation Letter Please email me if you would like to be removed from our email list. Since blocking has not begun, let's dive into our characters!
First of all, you need to watch as many versions of the show as you can find on youtube. Here are the links to one. It's not bad, but we can do better :) Act I Act 2 Stage Agent- Provides a video for most of the leading characters at the bottom of the page when you click on the role. MTI- Provides character descriptions of main lead characters. Click on the roles (on the right) and descriptions will pop up. Character Questions (You should be able to answer all of these): What is the characters intention (broken down by scene)? What does the character want in the play? Does it change? What is the character's physical appearance? Age? Occupation? Habits? Hobbies? How does your character walk, enter a room, sit, wait, listen, eat? How is it different from you? Who are the character's friends? Enemies? Family? Social status? What is the character's best traits? Worst traits? What makes the character unique? Does your character have a physical habit (biting nails, twirling hair, etc.) What object would you associate with your character and why? What animal do you associate with your character and why? How is your character like you? Different from you? What does your character want from life (not just the play)? What are your character's fears? |
AuthorMrs. Riddell & Ms. Colgan Archives
April 2016
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